Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A journey from "one more" to "one last"...

One last step…

It was a sluggish Sunday afternoon and the sun was giving his paramount performance that day. It pelted every ounce of energy it could gather from the fusion reactions, during those hours of daylight, as if to show-off to the human race that some things are beyond their domination. The intense summer heat of Nagpur is afar description, beyond words and provides a mind-boggling portrait. The heat literally cuts the skin and tries to penetrate on the insides of our body liberating every ounce of water through pores. As we gasp for air some more heat finds its way through the nostrils. Every movement becomes comatose, lethargic and exhausting. The head feels droopy and heavy, sagging sideways like a pendulum, pouncing on every manageable chance of catching a few ‘z’s (catnap).